Tuesday, December 6, 2022

How to Prepare Your Kia from Rio Rancho for a Long Thanksgiving Trip

Thanksgiving is an excellent opportunity for the family to reunite after months of living and working separately. You’re probably planning to celebrate in your parents’ home which is several hours’ drive away from where you live. If you’ve been driving for a while, you know that long trips like this are full of uncertainties. It takes some preparation to ensure you arrive at your destination safely and on time. Here are a few tips to make your Thanksgiving trip in your
 Kia from Rio Rancho stress-free.

Don’t Drive On Wednesday and Sunday

You probably know this by now but consider it a reminder: don’t travel the day before Thanksgiving because that’s when the roads are busiest. Travel on Monday or Tuesday instead to avoid heavy traffic. If your company is strict when it comes to approving leaves of absence, send your request at least two months in advance.

Additionally, consider doing the drive back home on Saturday instead of Sunday. Roads are still empty on that day as most people are still exhausted from the Black Friday rush. Plus, most people make the most of the long holiday week so they tend to travel back to the cities on the afternoon or evening of Sunday.

Prepare At Least Three Different Routes

More cars are sold than taken to scrap yards. So, expect traffic to grow nastier even on freeways, especially during the days before a holiday like Thanksgiving. Therefore, knowing at least three other routes you can take if the usual route turns out to be too congested is critical. These alternatives may be longer and less traveled, but at least you can reach your destination faster because traffic is lighter.

Bring Safety Gear and Distraction for the Pup

Of course, your pup is tagging along. You’ll be away from home for several days after all. If this is your first time taking your pet on a long trip, here’s some advice: never underestimate their propensity for trouble. Most pets feel anxious or overly excited about the trip, and they’ll show this through their uncontrollable behavior, which can be distracting. To avoid this, bring their favorite toys. Wrap them in an anxiety vest to keep them calm. Or, you can put them in their crate where they can feel safer.

Prepare Your Vehicle

Don’t forget the most crucial task: car maintenance. Inspect your car for irregularities, such as leaks, excessive tire wear, hanging cables, dark smoke, and strange noises from under the hood. Fix all issues before hitting the road so you won’t have to deal with them at the worst moment. If you haven’t switched out the tires of your Kia from Rio Rancho yet, this is the perfect time to do so. Don’t risk a blowout. Also, consider changing the oil to improve your engine’s performance.

Long drives require preparation. It’s the only way to have a stress-free journey. Don’t hesitate to pull over and take a nap when you’re tired. Your life and the lives of your passengers depend on your ability to focus. If possible, take the day off before your trip so you can have enough rest. Check out Fiesta Kia for more helpful tips.

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